
朋友 [电邮转载]

也许一年中你是我最好的朋友Maybe you are my best friend in this year.

来年仍是一位很不错的朋友,Next year, you are still my best friend too.

后年就不一定会经常提起,Perhaps after next year, I may not mention you frequently.

并且从那以后也许不一定记得或常联络;因此,我只想说 And years after that, we may not remember each other or keep in touch; therefore, I would like to tell you that

即使我一生中永远也不会再提起你, Even I may not mention you in my life anymore,

对我而言,你永远是一个很特别的人。在我生命中,你永远是与众不同。 To me, you are a special person forever. In my life, you are different from others.

尊重你尊敬你,并且实实在在地真爱着你。 I respect you, as my best friend.

记得告诉他们,你永远都是我的朋友…… Remember to tell them that, you are my best friend forever.

无论是偶尔地记起, No matter whether you remember them occasionally,

或许现在之间关系是多么地亲密, Or, the current friendship.

让老朋友、新朋友都知道你没忘记他们。 Let the old and new friends know that you never forget them at all.

我们每个人都需要朋友。 We, need a friend.

当你又一天感到孤单、无助或寂寞时, When you felt lonely or helpless,

别忘了还有我!无论之间的距离是多么遥远、我都在关注着你;并且在你需要帮助时,陪着你…… Dont forget that there's me! No matter how far the distance is in between us, I would always care about you, be there when you need help.

佳节来临,我想把这句话‘谢谢你,朋友’送给下列朋友们: Upon the seasons, I would like to say a BIG 'Thank you, my friend' to the following listed friends:

  • Chin Hui Hui
  • Florence Tan
  • Fong Hoe Kit
  • Korshim
  • Lim Wei Jie
  • Michelle Ong
  • Tchen
  • Toh Song Tat
  • 陈威佑
  • 黄玄锋
  • Tan Jin Wei (Di di)
  • Margaret Ong
  • Desmond (Currently in NS, wish him all the best!)
  • Christopher
  • 南宫适鑫
  • (to be add on ...)

2 条评论:

AZ 说...



WeiYew_Tan 说...
