
「I love you,darling!」(二)[电邮转载]

经典十句 [附加双语阅读]

遇到你真的愛的人時,努力爭取和他相伴一生的機會;因為當他離去時,一切都來不及了…… If you ever come across someone you really love, remember to strive the only opportunity to be with him/her, because once he/she leaves, everything will be too late...

遇到可相信的朋友時,要好好和他相處下去;因為在人的一生中,可遇到知己真的不易。 If you ever come across any trustworthy friend, remember to get along well together. As in one's lifetime, it's difficult to get a friend who you can trust.

遇到人生中的貴人時,要記得好好感激;因為他是你人生的轉折點。 If you ever come across a person that does you good, remember to thank him/her, because he/she could be the one who changes your life’s turning point.

遇到曾經愛過的人時,記得微笑向他感激;因為他是讓你更懂愛的人。 If you ever love someone before, remember to smile to him/her for gratefulness, because he/she is the one who lets you understand what's love.

遇到曾經恨過的人時,要微笑向他打招呼;因為他讓你更加堅強。 If you ever hate someone before, remember to greet him/her with smile, because he/she is the one who strengthen you up.

遇到曾經背叛你的人時,要跟他好好聊一聊;因為若不是他,今天你不會懂這世界。 If you ever come across people who betrayed you before, remember to chat with him/her nicely, because he/she is the one who lets you understand this world.

遇到曾經偷偷喜歡的人時,要祝他幸福唷!因為你喜歡他時,不是希望他幸福快樂嗎? If you ever come cross someone who you secretly admired at before, do wish him/her the fullest happiness, because when you love him/her, dont you wish him/her to get the fullest happiness too?

遇到匆匆離開你人生的人時,要謝謝他走過你的人生因為他是你精采回憶的一部分。 If you ever come across people who left your life, remember to thank him/her, as he/she had ever become the most memorable part of your life.

遇到曾經和你有誤會的人時,要趁現在澄清誤會;因為你可能只有這一次機會解釋清楚。 If you ever come across people who had misunderstand with you, remember to clarify it with him/her, because you probably have the only chance now to clarify.

遇到現在的伴侶时,要百分百感謝他愛你因為你們現在都得到幸福和真愛。 If you are with your love now, remember to thank him/her fully as he/she loves you, because of him/her, both of you could enjoy the taste of happiness and true love.
