

筹备已久的专题作业(Lifeskills Project)——旅游书,终于在今天完美落幕了!落幕归落幕,可我内心地感受并非开心,就因为组员隐隐约约地对我说了一些带有讽刺含意的话。筹备这个专题作业,我简直心力交瘁了!从安排角色和任务到最后制作Presentation,几乎都是我一个人包办!或许你认为,为什么我不肯把工作安排给组员帮忙呢?我安排了!有些积极的组员震得很听话,收到我的命令就立刻行动,可有些无论你怎样催都无动于衷。我想一想,就当作为了自己和那些积极的组员好了,我就睁一只眼,闭至一只眼提那些不负责任的组员完成他们的分内工作。就因为他们是我的好朋友,我毫无怨言地完成,也不打算向老师‘投诉’。就这样,我傻乎乎地替这些败类们完成!为了以示公平,我也不可能要求那些完成自己分内工作的组员继续傍晚完成其他组员吧?



对了,我还得感谢我的JC朋友——Desmond Koh帮我收索图片的工作!谢谢你!

Finally! My Lifeskills Project - Travel Guide has came to an end! But, I'm aggrieved instead of being happy, due to one of my teammate's crude comments. Upon preparing this project, I'm mentally and physically exhausted. From assigning roles and tasks for my teammates to the day that I created the Powerpoint for presentation, I nearly did everything myself! Perhaps you maybe questioning me why don't I share my workload with others? Yes, I did shared! Some teammates were co-operating after much 'chasing after', but to those who are irresponsiblity were not! For the sake of those co-operating teammates and me, I helped those irreponsibility teammates to complete it! Am I stupid?

Today is the day of presenting our work. I was so nervous as I fear that I might forget to bring the Speech Presentation which I've done especially for them, and the thumbdrive where the presentation is saved. After several minutes of presentating, this is where my heart broke. One of my teammate actually 'complained', infront of me, to the other teammates that, based on the Speech Presentation, which I've did, the entire group will definitely fail. Also, he did mentioned that 3 people in a team (ours is 6, meaning to 'kick' the other 2 malays and me out!) would be better, as they can speak more! Last but not least, he even used vulgurities to my Speech Presentation! My heart broke...

Is what I did from the start to the end, a not-worth action? I gave up! I won't want to be grouped with such people in future!

Oh yes, I want to express my thanks to my JC friend - Desmond Koh who helped me to search pictures for my project! Thanks!

1 条评论:

wind 说...

无畏的人不必花时间去理会的 ~
就当作是个教训咯 ~
出到来社会有更多的挑战等着你 ~
加油啦 ~
我们要为自己而活 !